Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Epitaph of Democracy

for Frida Kahlo

The discussion/ dialogue:
Why must one read Karl Marx in order?
just read the good parts
What is good? Marxian terms..
What is the labor theory of value?
Frida paints incessantly
She is driven to paint...
She had her love affair with Leon Trotsky, aka Bronstein
Frida paints on and on
Diego divorces her
resulting of Frida's infidelity with Leon Trotsky-
he and his spouse relocate from Frida's fathers villa
Trotsky is brutally assassinated with an ice pick/ ax
Frida was arrested
Diego bails her out of jail by telephoning El Presidente
Frida paints again
Diego Rivera once again marries Frida Kahlo
She is lame and dying
Diego's prenuptial pledge of loyalty is finally affirmed in their second
and the dialogue continues:
Frida at long last has her lifelong dream
her exhibition of her paintings in her homeland- Mexico
Frida is too ill to stand even- her comrades deliver her dressed in her
finery in her bed-
to the exhibition
and there are cheers
Frida and Diego paint on and on into Eternity.

Robert Denis Don

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